
Hamas BigShot Meshal Welcomes Obama's Words
"A new language towards the region is coming from President Obama. The challenge for everybody is for this to be the prelude for a genuine change in U.S. and European policies. Regarding an official opening towards Hamas, it's a matter of time," [Kaled] Meshal
Hamas political leader stationed in Syria and owned by Iran
told Italian daily La Repubblica in an interview published on Sunday.

Meshal said Israel's 22-day offensive in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in December and January had not dented Hamas's influence.

"The great powers need us in order to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict. Our weight in the Palestinian problem comes from us being rooted in the society, in the population, which voted for us and will do it again," he said.
Note the salute to "Realpolitics" - Obviously he would like Obama's para-appeasement to segue to real appeasement
Posted by: mhw 2009-03-22