
Hildebeast sez we're to blame for border violence.
MEXICO CITY - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that America's "insatiable" demand for illegal drugs and inability to stop weapons smuggling into Mexico are fueling an alarming spike in violence along the U.S.-Mexican border.

Clinton said the United States shares responsibility with Mexico for dealing with the violence. She said the administration will work with Mexican authorities to improve security on both sides of the border.
How about we concentrate the majority of our efforts on OUR side?
"Our insatiable demand for illegal drugs fuels the drug trade," she said. "Our inability to prevent weapons from being illegally smuggled across the border to arm these criminals causes the deaths of police officers, soldiers and civilians."
I guess the Hildebeast could speak with some authority relative to "insatiable desires."
"I feel very strongly we have a co-responsibility," she told reporters accompanying her to Mexico City a day after the administration of President Barack Obama said it would send more money, technology and manpower to secure the United States' southwestern frontier and help Mexico battle the cartels.
Southwestern frontier? Quite an interesting term of reference.
So now Hilde thinks we ought to police the border? Anyone tell her friends at La Raza?
Obama himself said Tuesday that he wanted the U.S. to do more to prevent guns and cash from illicit drug sales from flowing across the border into Mexico. "That's part of what's financing their operations. That's part of what's arming them. That's what makes them so dangerous," he told a news conference. "And this is something that we take very seriously and we're going to continue to work on diligently in the months to come."
And do what exactly? How 'diligent' are we going to be? You'd better be able to turn water into wine if you're going to solve the drug problem 'in the months to come' ...
Clinton's remarks, delivered ahead of her arrival in Mexico City, appeared more forceful in recognizing the U.S. share of the blame. Mexican officials have in the past, particularly under the administration of former President George W. Bush, complained that Washington never acknowledged the extent that the U.S. demand for drugs and weapons smuggling played in fueling the violence.
Messico good, USA bad, bad, bad.
"These criminals are outgunning the law enforcement officials," Clinton said, referring to guns and military-style equipment such as night vision goggles and body armor that the cartels are smuggling into Mexico from the United States.
Of course none of this gear is available in Central or South America.
It's a canard and yet another attempt to set the stage for gun control and registration.
"Clearly, what we have been doing has not worked and it is unfair for our incapacity ... to be creating a situation where people are holding the Mexican government and people responsible," Clinton said. "That's not right."
Aren't they responsible? At least in part? Doesn't the Mexican government have a responsibility to police the border on their side? Don't they have a responsibility to jug the cartel leaders? If we're going to be responsible, well okay, but won't that in the end violate Mexican sovereignty (something they're touchy about on their side of the Rio Grande)?
She said she would repeat her acknowledgment as loudly and as often as needed during her two-day visit to Mexico City and the northern industrial city of Monterrey during which she will brief Mexican officials on the administration's plans for the border and counter-narcotics aid to Mexico.

The administration announced Tuesday that it would increase the number of immigrations and customs agents, drug agents and antigun-trafficking agents operating along the border. It will also send more U.S. officials to work inside Mexico.
How 'bout a fence?
In addition, it will allow federal funds we don't have to be used to pay for local law enforcement involved in southwestern border operations and, at the same time, U.S. prosecutors will boost efforts to go after those smuggling guns and drug profits from the U.S. into Mexico.

The measures fall short of calls from some Southwestern states that troops be deployed to prevent further spillover of the violence, which has surged since Mexican President Felipe Calderon stepped up his government's battle against the cartels.
The States and citizens don't know what they need, only Barry and the Hildebeast know.
What this says is that the violence is a symptom: the issue is that Calderon, correctly, is trying to get the cartels under control, and the cartels are responding. Yes, we should help, but it isn't out fault. And it isn't Calderon's.
In her discussions, Clinton plans to stress Obama's commitment and encourage Calderon and his top aides to boost efforts to combat rampant corruption by promoting police and judicial reform, according to senior U.S. officials.
Posted by: Besoeker 2009-03-25