
CBS says Israel Hit Hamas Convoy in Sudan in Jan09
The Israel Air Force carried out an attack last January against a convoy of trucks in Sudan carrying arms for Hamas in the Gaza Strip, according to the American network CBS. According to the report, 39 people riding in 17 trucks were killed, while civilians in the area suffered injuries.

Official Israeli sources refused to confirm or deny on Wednesday any report of Israel's involvement in an air strike in Sudan.
but they did helpfully point out that from Hatzerim to Kartoum is about 1150 miles and its only about 750 from Hatzerim to Tabriz
However, Sudanese State Minister for Highways Mabrouk Mubarak Saleem was quoted in the Paris-based Sudan Tribune Web site as saying that a "major power bombed small trucks carrying arms, burning all of them."
Posted by: mhw 2009-03-26