
Communiqué of “Liberation Front – Provisional General Command”
From Jihad Unspun. Mind your salt intake...
Compiled And/Or Translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr, Free Arab Voice
A communiqué circulated on Wednesday in the city of al-Fallujah bearing the signature of the Liberation Front – Provisional General Command which announced the formation of this front. Agence France Presse (AFP) reported that the leaflet said “the fighting, political, and cultural detachments have agreed to form a provisional general command to manage the affairs of the Iraqi state.” The leaflet said that the Liberation Front is the “legitimate representative of the Iraqi people in all their political, religious, and ethnic groups.” It said that the Front is composed of a supreme consultative body made up of 25 commanders and a president of the Iraqi state who is the president of the supreme consultative body and general commander of the mujahid detachments, aided by the commanders of the fighting organizations.” The document said that there are officials with the rank of minister for foreign affairs, minister of the interior, of oil, of finance, education, culture, information, Islamic pious endowments (awqaf), and municipalities. The communiqué addressed the United Nations, presidents of states, and the League of Arab States, saying that the document would reach them by way of “special representatives for this purpose.” It added, “We categorically reject the so-called Interim Governing Council,” which it described as “the worst example of open and concealed lackeyism in this already bad period in the life of the Arabs and Muslims.” The statement rejected unreservedly the subject of elections and promised the Iraqi people that they would “attain all their hopes.”
A new group? A consolidation of groups? Mahmoud, sitting in his apartment with his word processor? My initial feeling is Mahmoud, but we'll see in the course of the next month or two.

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-02-21