
New jihadi tape from Iraq
A new videotape has surfaced on the Internet from a radical Islamic group claiming to be directly tied to Al Qaeda in Iraq. The tape, a chilling recruiting tool set to music, is seen as a call to terrorism by security experts. U.S. intelligence officials believe the tape to be legitimate. The video shows roadside bombings of coalition convoys, as well as testimonials from homicide bombers pledging to kill U.S. and coalition troops until they leave Iraq. U.S. intelligence officials said the video came from an unofficial Web site of Ansar Al-Sunnah, a group with ties to Al Qaeda.
Starting to look like they're retiring the Ansar al-Islam brand. I wonder if the warranties are still good?
On the tape, a terror squad is using weapons, including what appear to be surface-to-air missiles. Other portions of the tape include: explosions; identifications and credit cards of soldiers; and bodies of others who have been killed; a mass grave. Terrorists are heard saying, "We will expel them. With our bombs we will scare them. And we will continue to battle against their fortifications and will erase the shame in our nation."
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-21