
Hezbollah Wants Israel to Give Them 30 More Dead Bodies
This is a good story for a Saturday. You can’t make this stuff up. Let the jokes begin.
Hezbollah claims that Israel made a mistake during the recent prisoner exchange and sent them the body of a Jew instead of that of Lebanese drug dealer Muhamed Biro who died in an Israeli prison when he was 70 years old. The report was published in the Nazareth-based Arabic newspaper, Kul Al-Arab. The defense establishment has not denied the report. An IDF spokesman told Maariv Online, “the IDF will do what is necessary to fulfill its obligations under the terms of the prisoner exchange agreement”.

The paper reports that when Biro’s family received the body, they discovered that it was actually a “religious Jew with a beard”, in their words. They hastily reported the mistake to Hezbollah officials. At first Israel denied it but later admitted that there had been an error and Biro’s body was still in Israel. Hezbollah is now demanding 30 additional bodies in return for the Jewish body that it received and has asked for the intervention of the German mediator. They claim that the bodies are buried in Kibbutz Repidim in southern Israel. Kul Al-Arab charges Israel with delaying correction of the mistake in order to use it as additional bargaining point in the next stage of negotiations. However, the IDF spokesperson said that Israel has not received any demands from Hezbollah in this regard.

The police says that there is no confirmation of the claim that the body transferred to Lebanon really belongs to a Jewish man. They claim that it is an unidentified body that remained unclaimed for more than one year. The added that it is the responsibility of the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute to identify bodies. Institute Head, Dr. Yehuda Hiss, responded that the Institute was not asked to identify the bodies that were sent to the Hezbollah.
"Whuddya mean, 'identify the bodies'? I thought you identified the bodies?"
Biro was buried in Kibbutz Revadim in a section reserved for non-Jews and people whose Jewishness is in doubt. Graves there are not marked with names, only with numbers on a post. One possibility is that the error was caused by the rain and stormy weather which might have moved one of the markers from its place.
I bet most units of the IDF/IAF would be happy to give Hezbollah 30 more bodies. :o)
Posted by: badanov 2004-02-21