
Greece: Olympics top Afghanistan
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Greece rejected a new NATO request Friday to boost its troop contribution in Afghanistan because it needs military personnel at home to provide security at the upcoming Olympics. About 10,000 Greek military personnel will be deployed alongside 40,000 police officers in a massive Olympic security program costing more than $750 million for the Aug. 13-29 games. It was the second time in four months that Greece turned down such a request by NATO. Greece currently has a contingent of 122 soldiers, mostly engineers and medical personnel, deployed in Kabul. It also has peacekeepers in the Balkans. NATO secretary general Jaap De Hoop Scheffer said he understood the decision, and added that Greece’s contribution could be discussed again after the games. "NATO has the ambition to have five more so-called provincial reconstruction teams under its wings, and not only provide security and stability in Kabul but also outside of Kabul," he said. "I realize fully the strains upon Greece in organizing the Olympic games, but I sincerely hope that after the Olympic games Greece will be able to participate." NATO has offered assistance in Olympic security and is currently discussing what help it can provide.
Posted by: GK 2004-02-21