
Civil, well-reasoned discourse with commies
  • David Carr at Libertarian Samizdatelstvo examines the assassination of Marco Biagi by the Italian Reds:
    When economist and law professor, Marco Biagi began advising the Italian government on reforms to Italy's ossified Labour Laws, the Italian left sprang into immediate action. Using the rationale of marxist production theory and by the rigourous employment of dialectic method, they planned to confound Biagi by convincing him of the systemic contradictions of free-market ideology.

    But that didn't work so they just shot him.
    That's kinda Marxism in a nutshell. Read the whole thing. We'll be seeing more of this. And as long as you're there, also read Dale Amon's Liberalize or Die. It's also on the kopeks.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-22
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2671