
The Soft Target Is the Mind
Wretchard at Belmont Club does an admirable job of examining an article by the deranged idiotarian Middle East Expert and NYT "Journalist", Thomas Friedman, in the Salt Lake Tribune.

The article is notable as yet another self-absorbed Phriedman Phantasy with several factory-installed Coffee Alerts.

In this thrilling episode Iraq, an obvious Vietnam quagmire of the bumbling US President Bush, has nearly been brought to its knees, the fateful and fatal tipping point, by wily and vicious terrorist attacks in a dastardly attempt to undermine the brave UN’s Herculean efforts to bring Democracy and Justice and Certifiable Legitimacy to that troubled land.

Enter The Plan - a masterful series of daring statements, acts of contrition, strokes of genius, and Donk wet dreams. Mssr. Phriedman is certain to be considered for an Oscar nomination for this script. With Tim Russert as foil, our hero, President Kerry, will devastate the enemy. I smell Oscar gold. It’s a sure winner. 8^>

Fun reading for the informed as Wretchard rocks in his inimitable style. Enjoy...

Posted by: .com 2004-02-23