
'Terrorist' groom thrown off flight to wedding
A man was thrown off the flight to his wedding in Lahore this week after his best man allegedly joked to airport staff: "Don't let him on -- he's a terrorist!" Hassan Shah, 25, was due to take an Emirates flight to Pakistan on Thursday with brother Musa, 21, and cousin Amar, 23. They were allowed to board the crowded flight -- but later hauled off by armed police who told them they were considered a security threat and barred from travelling. Shah recalled: "All these police officers appeared and told us we would have to get off immediately. I saw at least two officers with guns and there were another 10 in suits. I asked one what was going on and he said, 'You cannot fly because Emirates have deemed you a security risk'." After missing the 10am flight, Shah had to reschedule his wedding to fashion designer Sehrish Rubab, 23. Emirates Airlines said: "All three passengers were deemed a security risk. As a result of this incident, the passengers in question will not be allowed to travel on another Emirates flight."
Posted by: Fred 2009-04-14