
Sisyphus Zinni still plugging away...
  • U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni held talks with Palestinian President-for-Life Yasser Arafat to try to salvage a battered truce mission after a Palestinian suicide bombing which killed three Israelis.

    Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that Israel had attached unacceptable conditions for putting into motion a cease-fire plan charted in June by U.S. CIA Director George Tenet. Erekat did not elaborate because he couldn't think of anything to actually take issue with that quickly but Israeli political sources said the differences revolved around a timetable for implementing the truce and moving on to a wider U.S.-backed plan for confidence-building measures and eventual peace talks. That, and a redundant comma the Israelis thought could be dropped, that sort of stuff. "We expressed our willingness to implement Tenet's plan as it was written and not according to Israeli conditions and dictation," Erekat told reporters, doing his best to spike the thing while making it look like The Jews Did It.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-22
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2680