
RSS-Christian talks flop
  • On Friday, a 14-member RSS delegation led by its chief K S Sudarshan met with heads of churches and other Christian institutions for more than three hours at the United Theological College in Bangalore.
    We doubt their sincerity, but go ahead...

    Sudarshan blamed the media for labelling the RSS as anti-minority. "The RSS has been depicted as a militant, uncompromising, anti-Christian, anti-Muslim outfit thanks to the media," he told Christian leaders who had expressed fears about their safety."The RSS is a socio-cultural organisation wedded to the all-round development of the nation by consolidating the Hindu society. Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. It is a commonwealth of religions," the RSS chief said.
    The only exceptions are Muslims. And Christians. And Buddhists. And Jains. And Bah'ais. And...

    But he came down heavily on the controversial conversion issue arguing it was creating a split between the two communities. "We have to solve all pinpricks," he said. "Conversion is the biggest pinprick as it has political overtones. Your (Christian) humanitarian and hospital work is good but there is a lurking doubt that the purpose is evangelisation."
    Well, yeah. That's true. Even just doing good works for their own sake will result in a certain number of the beneficiaries joining up. The more the help comes from the heart, the higher the numbers. Christians don't go in much for forced conversions anymore, though. They discovered that even if you hold a gun to the inductee's head, there's nothing that'll really stop him from moving away at the first opportunity and going back to sacrificing goats and mutilating his wife's genitals.

    The RSS accuses Christian missionaries of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity while the Church has implicated the RSS and its associate organisations in several gruesome murders of missionaries. In 1999, Graham Staines, a Australian-born missionary working in the eastern state of Orissa, was burnt to death along with his two teenage sons, allegedly by Hindu zealots.
    That's pretty gruesome. I'd say offhand that the RSS "pinpricks" are a lot more hideous than the Christian "pinpricks."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-22
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2681