
Mashaal invited to address UK MPsŽ meeting
[Iran Press TV Latest] Hamas political leader Khalid Mashaal has been invited to address a meeting of British lawmakers via videoconference from Damascus.

The event organized by independent MP Clare Short-- a former Labor MP and government minister-- is scheduled to be held on Wednesday and to discuss Britain's policy change in the Middle East.

"Most serious commentators now believe that there can be no peace in the Middle East without talking to Hamas. In addition, we may be facing the last chance for a two-state solution," read the invitation to the meeting.

"In 2006, Hamas won more than 65.2 percent of the vote in the Palestinian parliamentary elections. Since then, Gaza has been besieged, boycotted and bombarded. There has been great human misery, but no progress and no improved security for anyone, including Israel, which is still the target of missiles," added the invitation.

The invitation came after a group of British parliamentarians met Mashaal last week "in the framework of European endeavors to open communication channels with Hamas, and to get a more profound understanding of the (Palestinian) issue through direct contact with Hamas."

The decision, however, was opposed by Israel's ambassador; Ron Prosor.

"The British Parliament is an icon of the democratic values to which Hamas is violently opposed," said the Israeli envoy to Britain.

"One can only presume that those who invite terrorists to speak at Westminster either share this view or utterly fail to comprehend its implications," he added.

Britain has already voiced readiness to make contacts with Hezbollah as what was seen as a signal of the country's policy change in the Middle East. The decision however drew criticism from Israel.
Posted by: Fred 2009-04-22