
CIA memo prosecutions 'possible'
We ran a version of this yesterday, and we're running it today just to make sure everyone sees it.
US President Barack Obama has left open the possibility of prosecuting officials who wrote CIA memos allowing harsh interrogation techniques. It would be up to the attorney general whether to prosecute, Mr Obama said.
That could truly sunder the body politic ...
The memos detailed a range of methods the CIA could use on terrorism suspects under the Bush administration.
The methods were not torture, though they came hard up against the line. What the memos show, and what the media and Democrats (but I repeat myelf) don't say, is that the Bush administration people did a fair bit of hand-wringing and soul-searching about what was and wasn't permissible.
Mr Obama had said he would not use anti-torture laws to prosecute CIA personnel who relied in good faith on legal opinions issued after 9/11.
He's just going to ruin their reputations in a 'Truth Commission' hearing and their finances by forcing them to 'lawyer-up'.
The BBC's James Coomarasamy in Washington says the president's comments marked a change of tone amid growing pressure from the Democratic Party not to rule out potential prosecutions.
Just remember, what goes around comes around. If the Dhimmis want to criminalize policy decisions, there will be people in 2013 who will be urging President Palin to do the same ...
"With respect to those who formulated those legal decisions, I would say that that is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws," Mr Obama said.
So the 'progressive' Dhimmis have brought the heat, and as usual Bambi is folding like a lawn chair ...
He also said he could support a congressional investigation of the issue if it was conducted in a bipartisan way.
Which is political speak for having it all done by and for Democrats. Don't expect anyone to grill Nancy Pelosi on her role.
White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel had previously said in a television interview that the administration did not want to pursue those who "devised policy".
Understanding, as he does, that he himself could be forced to lawyer-up someday ...
Former Vice-President Dick Cheney has said the techniques produced results. He has called for the release of additional documents that he said would show what the techniques yielded.
To which the Dhimmis demanded that Dick shut up, rather than release the additional documents. Tells you something right there.
On Thursday, when the memos were released, Mr Obama said CIA personnel working from Bush administration legal opinions would not be prosecuted. His comments drew criticism from human rights organisations and UN officials, who say charges are necessary to prevent future abuses and in order to hold people accountable.
All the usual suspects chimed in right on cue ...
Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Mr Obama said the episode involved a "host of very complicated issues".
Meaning, he doesn't understand them and the Teleprompter wasn't loaded with a canned answer ...
An investigation would be acceptable, he said, "outside of the typical hearing process" and with "independent participants who are above reproach".
Glenn Greenwald, Markos Moulitsas, and Oliver 'Smirky' Willis come to mind ...
He added: "As a general view, I do think we should be looking forward, not back.

"I do worry about this getting so politicised that we cannot function effectively and it hampers our ability to carry out critical national security operations."
So then tell your people to shut up and get on with business ...

Posted by: Steve White 2009-04-22