
Mahmoud al-Gimpy is no more
Made it ma! Top of the world!!
A disabled man packed explosives into his artificial leg and detonated inside the compound of an Afghan provincial governor today but managed only to kill himself.
Ah. Ye Olde Hollow Fake Leg Full of Explosives Trick...
The bomber hobbled into the heavily guarded compound of the governor in the western city of Herat and exploded his bombs after police fired at him, deputy provincial police chief, Delawar Shah Delawar, said.
Foot don't fail me now...
"Today a suicide attacker, a disabled man who placed his bombs in his artificial leg, was able to enter the governor's compound. He exploded himself after our police fired at him," he said. "The only casualty was the bomber."
No virgins for you!
Chief Delawar said intelligence reports tipped off authorities about a possible suicide attack on the compound, which houses the provincial governor and other government entities.
Okay. Here comes Hoppy. Lock and load...
The blast took place about 500m from the governor's office.
No handicapped spots closer I guess...
The explosion shattered windows and scattered body parts of the attacker, including shards of his artificial leg, an AFP reporter said.
Damn, sarge. I'll never get this out of my uniform!
There was no immediate claim for the attack.
Probably too embarrassed...
Posted by: tu3031 2009-04-22