
Attack on Kurds in Mosul, three killed
Attackers targeted a Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) office in Mosul, northern Iraq, late Monday, while separately three members of the party were murdered, officials and the police said on Tuesday. "On Monday evening, assailants in a car attacked the PDK office in the centre of Mosul," 370 kilometres (240 miles) north of Baghdad, said a PDK official. "Peshmergas (Kurdish fighters) fought back and they fled on foot," he said. "The fighters found grenades, anti-tank rockets and Kalashnikovs in the car along with pamphlets on which had been written, 'Death to the heathens who cooperate with the Americans' and 'How many gods do you pray to'," he added. The PDK official speculated that Islamist groups were carrying out the attacks against Kurds in the area.
I'd call that a pretty good guess...
Elsewhere, two PDK militants were found murdered on Sunday a few hours after they had been kidnapped, police captain, Abdallah Mahmoud, said. "The bodies were retrieved near to some dustbins," he said. Separately on Monday at 10:35 pm another member of the PDK was found shot dead in his car, the police officer said.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-02-25