
Hambali sings
INDONESIA has received "important" answers from top terror suspect Hambali which could help prevent future attacks, national intelligence chief A.M. Hendropriyono said Wednesday. Hambali, a suspected former top figure in both al-Qaeda and the regional extremist network Jemaah Islamiyah, was arrested in Thailand in August. He is in US custody at an undisclosed location. "Access to meet physically with Hambali has not yet been obtained but a series of important (answers) to questions to be used for intelligence purposes has been received by us," Mr Hendropriyono said. "So we have an idea how big the network is and how extensive (future terror) targets and plans are." Indonesia is pressing the US for direct access to Hambali, who is believed to be detained on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. Mr Hendropriyono, speaking on the sidelines of a seminar, said Hambali’s answers were received just recently and the process took place gradually. "We are still hoping for further access to Hambali," he said. Earlier this month US Attorney General John Ashcroft said Washington is "working towards" giving foreign investigators access to Hambali but set no date.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-25