
This’ll Make You Toss Your Lunch
Right Wing News emailed more than a 160 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a list of who they considered to be the "Dinner Guests From Hell". Representatives from the following 54 blogs responded...
Abode Of Amritas, Absinthe & Cookies, Annika’s Journal And Poetry, Betsy’s Page, Capitalist Lion, Cavalier’s Guardian Watchblog, Cobb, Cold Fury, Conservative Commentary, The Conspiracy To Keep You Poor & Stupid, Cornfield Commentary, Cox & Forkum, Curmudgeonly & Skeptical, Davids Medienkritik, Dissecting Leftism, Dodgeblogium, Ed Driscoll, Evil Pundit Of Doom!, Drumwaster’s Rants, Dumb Celebs, For The Sake Of Argument, Four Right Wing Wackos, Ghost of a Flea, The Greatest Jeneration, Gut Rumbles, Joyful Christian, Hoystory, Hud’s Blog-O-Rama, IMAO, Insults Unpunished, Jessica’s Well, Jihad Watch, JunkYardBlog, North Georgia Dogma, Porphyrogenitus, QandO, Res Ipsa Loquitur, Right Thinking From The Left Coast, Right Wing News, Sasha Castel, Serenity’s Journal, Sgt. Hook, A Small Victory, The SmarterCop, The Spoons Experience, Stark Truth, Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish, Tacitus, Trying To Grok, Up Yours & Other Helpful Tips, The Ville, Whacking Day, The Yale Diva, Zogby Blog

All bloggers were allowed to make anywhere from 1-20 selections. Rank was determined simply by the number of votes received.

The bloggers were also told that their selections had to be currently living people from anywhere in the world that they’d really dislike having to sit down with for a long 1 on 1 conversation over dinner. Furthermore, no dictators, terrorists, serial killers, or mass murderers could be selected.

Here are the selections that were made with the number of votes received following each choice in parentheses...

Honorable Mentions: Helen Thomas (5), Dan Rather (5), Rosie O’Donnell (5), Madonna (5), Dennis Kucinich (5), Bill O’Reilly (6), Molly Ivins (6), Jane Fonda (6), Ann Coulter (6), Bill Clinton (6)

20) Al Sharpton (7)
20) Paul Krugman (7)
20) Alec Baldwin (7)
17) Michael Jackson (8)
17) Janeane Garofalo (8)
17) Robert Fisk (8)
14) Sean Penn (9)
14) Ralph Nader (9)
14) Terry McAuliffe (9)
11) Ted Rall (10)
11) John Kerry (10)
11) Jimmy Carter (10)
9) Jesse Jackson (11)
9) Howard Dean (11)
8) Ted Kennedy (15)
7) Noam Chomsky (16)
6) Al Gore (17)
5) Jacques Chirac (18)
3) Barbra Streisand (19)
3) Al Franken (19)
2) Hillary Clinton (25)
1) Michael Moore (41)

Not news, but I thought it was a fun read. I think we could add Moby to that list.
Posted by: Lil Dhimmi 2004-02-25