
Trudeau Offers Bounty on Bush
Apologies if this is a repeat. I looked but didn't see it. From the Beeb:
[Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau] is offering a $10,000 reward to anyone who will verify Mr Bush's account of his military service in Alabama in the early 70s. Accusations have been made that Mr Bush used family connections to join the National Guard and that he spent the last two of his five years' service working on the political campaign of one of his father's friends in Alabama instead of military duties. His opponents have demanded evidence that he took part in training in those two years. On Trudeau's website, he specifies that the reward is for anyone who "personally witnessed George W Bush reporting for drills at the Dannelly Air National Guard Base between the months of May and November of 1972". In any case, though, Trudeau thinks it unlikely that anyone will come forward to claim the prize, which he says would actually be donated to a charity which supports US servicemen and women overseas.
What?? What a lamer. Look, jack, you gonna offer a reward, offer a real reward. If the recipient wants to give it to a charity, that'll be up to them. Ah, but Garry ain't down with this voluntary charity nonsense:
"However, if the prize does jog someone's memory, I'll surrender the money with little regret. Thanks to Bush's tax cuts for people who don't need them, I'm flush and looking for a way to give back.
Huh. You know, it is possible to donate all that nasty extra money back to the government. You don't have to keep it just because they foist it on you in tax cuts. Seriously, though, is this issue really that important? Maybe he should use the reward to find those war crimes Kerry made such hay on, back in the day.
Posted by: Angie Schultz 2004-02-25