
Wally pledging to call for vote on Syrian presence here
Progressive Socialist Party President Walid Jumblatt plans to propose a national referendum on Syria’s presence in Lebanon, the first move of its kind since the late President Hafez Assad sent in his army in 1976, An-Nahar reported Tuesday. The Druze leader revealed his intention in a taped interview with BBC’s Tim Sebastian in London, where Jumblatt is visiting. The segment is scheduled for airing on Sebastian’s “Hard Talk” show next Monday, An-Nahar said. The issue came up during a dialogue over Syria’s presence. Sebastian asked Jumblat to explain his statements two years ago supporting Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Nasrallah Butros Sfeir’s demand for an outright withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon. “I did not second the patriarch’s demand for the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon,” Jumblatt responded. “I said the Syrians should not interfere in all aspects of the Lebanese political life.” Jumblatt then said, “Let’s hold a referendum, let’s do it.”
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-02-26