
Abdullah Khadr sez he ain’t a suicide boomer
Abdullah Khadr says he wasn’t the suicide bomber who killed Canadian Cpl. Jamie Murphy in Afghanistan last month. "If I was the suicide bomber, I wouldn’t be doing this interview with you right now," Khadr told CBC News on Wednesday.
That's really too bad.
Abdullah agreed to meet with CBC News at a secret location in Islamabad. He stands a good chance of being sent to Guantanamo Bay if he’s caught. He recalled meeting Jean Chrétien back in 1996 when the former prime minister intervened with the Pakistani government on his father’s behalf. Ahmed Said Khadr was in prison, accused of orchestrating a terrorist bombing in Islamabad. Now, Abdullah says he’s always on the move, afraid he could be killed at any moment, and denies his family is connected to terrorists.
"We're not connected with them. We're just good friends."
He told the CBC he wants to return to Canada, but is afraid he’d be arrested at the airport. Canadian embassy officials in Pakistan say they can’t guarantee his safety. On Tuesday, Pakistan’s foreign minister said that foreign al-Qaeda suspects who surrender would be returned to their home countries unless there is clear evidence they had committed crimes against the United States.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-26