
Police arrest Nigerian Taliban leader
Take a look at the connections - anybody here surprised?
Nigerian Security agents in Kano have arrested the Sudanese head of a Saudi-funded charity accused of funding a shortlived but bloody Islamic rebellion. The arrest came amid growing evidence of foreign involvement in Islamist militancy in Nigeria.
Doesn't that just surprise all the bejabbers out of you? Every one of mine is gone...
Sheikh Muhiddeen Abdullahi, Director of the Almuntada al-Islami Trust, was snatched by agents of the State Security Service and has been taken to Abuja for questioning. "The arrest followed the discovery of financial transactions running into millions of naira (tens of thousands of dollars/euros) between Sheikh Muhiddeen and a Kano-based businessman, Alhaji Sharu," an official said. Security agents swooped on a suspected militant hideout and arrested Sharu, who has since confessed to acting as middleman between the group and Almuntada, the official said. Almuntada al-Islami is a charity reputedly funded by wealthy Saudi individuals. It is said to have built 42 mosques in Kano, and promotes the conservative Wahhabi brand of Islam espoused by Afghanistan’s ousted Taliban regime.
Busily working Islam's bloody border, milking it for all it's worth...
A Mathaba correspondent had spotted Sudanese intelligence involvement in the Nigerian "pro-Sharia" uprisings in north Nigeria several years ago, which resulted in many dead. The senior Sudanese intelligence agent was working for the "Islamic Call" (Munazama Dawa) organisation of Sudan, which acts as a front for Sudan foreign intelligence operations. The Islamist military general Swar al Dahab, who recently received an international Islamist prize, is patron of the Munazama Dawa. Dahab prevented Sudan from falling to a popular revolution after the masses rose up against the Nimeiri dictatorship. Nigerian women were moved to adopt Arab style head coverings by free hand outs from the Sudanese intelligence agents as part of a propaganda drive to show religious fervour and obtain funds to destabilise Africa’s most populous country. This was funded with Saudi money, and Sudanese Islamist funds obtained by the Arab gulf.
Mathaba, as their links demonstrate, are about as nutty as they come, but this actually sounds quite plausible to me.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-26