
"Let me out so I can kill you all!"
Hat tip LGF.
A woman suicide bomber arrested by Israeli forces as she prepared to blow up a Tel Aviv bus station vowed yesterday to carry out a successful "martyr attack" as soon as she is freed from jail. "Yes, I will do it again if I can," said Obeida Khalil, 27. "When I put the suicide explosives belt on I felt very happy, very content. I was angry when they caught me because I was not able to be a martyr. I wanted to be the first female martyr and to kill as many Israeli soldiers as possible. I chose the bus station because my brother blew himself up there."
She not only admitted that she was guilty but also that she wasn’t repentant.
There have been seven female Palestinian suicide bombers. Two of them alone have claimed 25 lives. Another 24 bombers, including Khalil, have been stopped before they could strike. Speaking to The Telegraph in her cell in HaSharon prison near Netanya, Khalil, a member of Islamic Jihad from the village of Beit Wazan, near Nablus, said she had been pushed to act because of the Israeli occupation and the "murder" of her fiance. "Four days before our wedding, he went up on the roof and he was shot dead by an Israeli helicopter. If we had been married, then I would have had children. I would have done other things for the jihad besides being a martyr.
"I coulda popped out dozens of little martyrs, eventually found a lover, and then we both coulda boomed. But NOOOOOOOO!"
"But before he died we had discussed being martyrs by blowing ourselves up together. With the help of God, we said, maybe both of us would do it and then we would be together forever."
Yes you’d be together forever. In HELL!
Khalil is one of 74 female Palestinian prisoners kept in a special wing at HaSharon. It is divided between prisoners linked to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement in one segregated group and Hamas and Islamic Jihad inmates in the other. They are kept locked up 21 hours a day in tiny shared cells and allowed three hours exercise in the wing’s central yard. One prisoner had a baby and will be allowed to keep him until he is two. Kaiera Saidi, 26, serving a life sentence for driving a suicide bomber, said she knew what she was doing might mean she would never see her four children again. "But I felt it was my duty and I believe God will take care of them."
Hopefully by putting them with a decent family.
Most of Khalil’s time is spent reading the Koran, doing needlework and preparing what she feels she must do when released. Arrested 20 months ago, Khalil is serving a five-year sentence. Relatives are not allowed to visit because several family members have been suicide bombers. Her mother, she said, understood why she wanted to kill herself. "Every Muslim wants to be a martyr. It was in me before I was born. The Israelis took my land and our state was conquered.
Then her lips fell off.
"People in Europe do not understand us but if they lived in Palestine they wouldn’t ask questions about why we do what we do." Although Khalil wanted to blow up soldiers in her planned attack in Tel Aviv she said it was legitimate to kill Jewish children because one day they would serve in the Israeli army. "The children of the first intifada [1987-1993] are the soldiers killing innocent Palestinian children now."
Parroting the lies she was required by law to decieve herself into thinking.
It's just a continuation of the Nazis' "nits make lice" argument, and it wasn't original with them...
Israeli intelligence officers believe that the number of female suicide bombers is increasing because they attract less suspicion than Palestinian men. Some women, they claim, have carried out attacks to remove the shame of adulterous relationships or other breaches of Islamic custom.
Posted by: Korora 2004-02-26