
Because if there’s one thing Reverend Al knows, it’s bloodshed!
Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton said yesterday that both Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and opposition leaders have accepted his offer to travel to Haiti to help broker a peace agreement after a U.S.-backed proposal was rejected. "I’m going to prepare a humanitarian trip because all sides appear to be willing at least to talk," Sharpton said yesterday after meeting Haitian diplomats.
Man they MUST be desperate....
He said he would travel to Haiti, possibly in the next few days. Earlier, Haitian officials who joined Sharpton at a news conference at Haiti’s New York consulate said they welcomed his offer. "We are certainly pleased with the humanitarian mission that the reverend is embarking upon today, and certainly we need that," said Consul General Harry Fouche. "We need more involvement."
Really, really desperate
Sharpton, a minister who has advocated Haitian-American rights in the United States, said he has met President Jean-Bertrand Aristide several times. He said he spoke to both Aristide and opposition spokesman Paul Denis by phone yesterday. Denis told him that his group, which is threatening to attack the capital of Port-au-Prince, planned to turn down the last-minute U.S. plan, which does not require Aristide to resign. It was unlikely the Bush administration would approve of Sharpton’s private diplomacy. Sharpton, who said he has placed a call to Secretary of State Colin Powell, made a similar effort at restoring order in Liberia in July, when he traveled to the West African nation to meet with both sides in the civil conflict.
We all remember how successful that was. Well, most of us do. Some of us, anyway... A few?
He expressed disappointment in his Democratic presidential opponents for inadequately addressing Haiti and in the Bush administration for not doing more to help quell the violence. He said Haitian-Americans in New York and Florida have asked for his help. "They’re concerned about the silence of American black leaders, and I’m concerned about the presidential candidates," Sharpton said.
Well, I notice they didn’t ask Dennis the Kookster to help them. Why not? I hear he’s big on peace.
Posted by: Secret Master 2004-02-26