
Al-Qaeda flees back into Afghanistan
A Pakistani military operation meant to capture Taliban and Al Qaeda fugitives has forced some suspects to seek refuge across the border in Afghanistan, intelligence officials said on Thursday.
Running likes rats, are they? Wonderful ...

With the cross-border movement, Pakistan achieved one of the primary goals of its operation this week in its lawless border regions - prompting the fugitives to be driven into territory where US and Afghan troops operate, security officials said while speaking on condition of anonymity.
Now if they can only exercise these same policies in Azad Kashmir everything'll be just fine ...

The three senior intelligence and government officials gave no indication of what prompted them to be so certain of their assessment and didn’t offer any specific intelligence to back up their claims.

“The goal was to force them to leave our areas - or to capture them,” one senior security official said. “We were successful.”
I'll believe that when Binny and Ayman's sharing a cell with Saddam. Till then, let's just say things look successful right now and leave it at that.

Investigators have been questioning 25 suspects, including four foreigners, captured in Tuesday’s operation near Wana, about 300 kilometres west of Islamabad. There was no indication that any senior Al Qaeda leader was among the four. The remaining suspects appear to be local tribesmen.
So if Ayman's spawn was bagged, he wasn't with this crowd.

The security officials cautioned, however, that some fugitives might still be hiding in the Pakistani areas bordering Afghanistan, where the inhabitants are linked by language and culture to Afghan Pashtuns, the ethnic group that was the Taliban’s power base.

“Some foreigners may still be hiding there,” said Gen Shaukat Sultan, the spokesman for the Pakistani army. “We will eliminate them.”
Go get 'em. Then do the same in Azad Kashmir. The nasties there are part of Binny's International Front, whether or not they got the al-Qaeda decoder ring is immaterial. As long as those folks and their camps stay in business, Pakistan remains complicit in any folks they happen to kill.

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-27