
Couric Throws NBC Into ’Storm Watch’
The tiny little bias queen with an ego worthy of Godzilla...
Syrupy “Today” hostess Katie Couric has pitched NBC into a “storm watch” with vicious infighting that threatens the success of the entire network. A Page One story in this week’s issue of the respected Broadcasting & Cable magazine features a most unflattering photo of Couric with the blazing headline “Storm Watch at Today.” The magazine confirms what insiders have been revealing for months: Ratings for “Today,” NBC’s most profitable program, are stagnating, outpaced by growth at ABC’s "Good Morning America" and CBS’s once-moribund "The Early Show," not to mention the booming popularity of FNC’s "Fox and Friends" on cable. Couric, the Peackock network’s princess, is blaming everyone but herself. One NBC insider told B&C, “The fear is that what’s happening at Today is the beginning of all the wheels coming off.” And these are big wheels. The magazine says “the stakes are huge” because "Today" generates almost $500 million in revenue for NBC News, the division’s fattest cash cow.
Posted by: .com 2004-02-27