
Hillary: Iraqi Women Better Off Under Saddam
In comments that went unreported by the mainstream press, the former first lady told the Brookings Institution on Wednesday that since Saddam’s removal from power, Iraq’s post war governing councils had engaged in "pullbacks in the rights [women] were given under Saddam Hussein."
...the trains ran on time...
"They went to school; they participated in the professions, they participated in the government and business and, as long as they stayed out of [Saddam’s] way, they had considerable freedom of movement," Clinton insisted.
Say, how did Sammy’s son treat women?
"Now, what we see happening in Iraq is the governing council attempting to shift large parts of civl law into religious jurisdiction," Sen. Clinton explained, saying the loss of Saddam’s guarantees amounted to a "horrific mistake" for women.
Posted by: Dragon Fly 2004-02-27