
France jugs 2 jihadis
Anti-terrorism judges placed two Paris pizzeria workers under investigation Friday in a probe into radical Islamic training camps set up in France during the 1990s, judicial officials said. Fabrizzio Mustapha Boussaffa of Tunisia and Hazdine Sayeh, a French-Algerian, were being investigated for "criminal association with a terrorist enterprise," the officials said on condition of anonymity. In France, being placed under investigation is one step short of formal charges. Fabrizzio Boussaffa ran a pizzeria that is believed to have become a meeting place for radical Muslims and Sayeh worked there, the officials said.
I think you call that a front ...

The men, who are both about 30, were taken into custody Tuesday in the Paris region during the investigation into a network of Islamic radicals that once ran training camps for new recruits, the officials said. One camp was set up in the late 1990s in the Fontainebleau forest south of Paris.
I'm actually rather surprised that the French didn't pick up on this sooner - French anti-terrorism coppers are generally quite good as a result of all their experience dealing with the Corsican nasties.

The men are believed to have played only marginal roles in the case, the officials said.
Ah. Just cannon fodder, then?

The wider probe focuses on the death of anti-Taliban military commander Ahmed Shah Massood in Afghanistan. The anti-terrorism judges are looking into an alleged support network for Massood's killers.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-02-28