
Castro’s worth $195m
Syndey Morning Herald. Hat tip: Tim Blair, who lives in Rantburg’s sister city, Spleenville.
Fidel Castro is worth $195 million, according to Forbes magazine, which included the Cuban president in its annual compilation of the world’s richest people.
"See! Socialism works!"
Although Castro was not one of the 587 people on the Forbes billionaires list, he was included in a special box for kings and governing classes. The weekly financial magazine’s description of the communist leader and the sources of his wealth was less than flattering.
"They’re just jealous!"
"The fatigues-fitted Cuban leader has lorded over an impoverished nation of 11 million people for the last 45 years," said the Forbes website.
I guess socialism only works for some people.
"El Lider is believed to have several lavish homes throughout Cuba. He travels exclusively in a convoy of black Mercedes-Benzes."
What? No gold Caddies?
"Deals struck with European companies - such as the reported $US50 million sale of Havana Club rum to French liquor company Pernod Ricard in 1993 - line Castro’s coffers with some $US20 million a year.
Wherever there’s a ruthless tyrant, you’ll find French industry propping him up.
"Concerns about his health persist," Forbes said of Castro.
He’s still alive. Damnit!
"He has reportedly named brother Raul as his successor."
Because hereditary dynasty is the socialist way.

One of my law professors at the University of Cincinnati was a Cuban who’d been one of Fidel’s college classmates. After the revolution, he was defense counsel for "enemies of the revolution." (To be an "enemy of the revolution," all you needed to do was be denounced by the secret police.) The trials took about ten minutes, and always ended in a guilty verdict. The appeal was heard in the room next door to the trial court, and appellate argument took another ten minutes. When the court of appeals affirmed, they took the defendant out into the courtyard and shot him.

Prof. Carro got out as soon as he could.

But, hey, they have universal literacy and health care, right?

Posted by: Mike 2004-02-28