
Heroic PFLP, Al-Aksa Martyrs claim shooting attack on Jooo Couple
The couple murdered in the terrorist shooting on the Hebron-Beersheba road near Eshkolot in the south Hebron Hills and close to the Green Line on Friday night are Eitan Kukoi, 30, and his wife Rima Noviko, 25, residents of the Shani Livne community.
Their 2 yr old survived. I’m sure he’ll grow up to love his neighbors
Both the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades have claimed "responsibility for the attack. The PFLP said it is in response to Zionist massacres and attacks will continue.
"whenever we can find unarmed Jooos who can’t shoot back....we prefer children and infants"
Yeah, but the PFLP was pretty much wiped out after they killed the Israeli Tourism Minister - they broke the rule that neither side was going to target the other's political leadership. If they're back in action again, that means that Baby Assad's been tossing some more cash their way to reconstitute whatever remains of their organization ...

The two were on their way to Ashdod when gunmen ambushed their car, spraying it with bullets and killing them both instantly. A resident from Meitar alerted security forces after he spotted the car with its windows smashed at the side of the road, and a Magen David Adom team that reached the site after receiving a report of the shooting at 8.24pm was forced to pronounce them dead. Security forces that reached the site combed the area for the perpetrators. Dozens of bullets from Kalashnikov rifles riddled the car.
the favored weapon of cowards
Late Friday night trackers spotted footsteps leading to the nearby Palestinian village Ramadin, where officials believe a car picked up the perpetrators, who fled into the south Hebron Hills. Police commander Moshe Karadi said that with the construction of the security fence in the north and center of the country, officials estimated that terrorists would attempt to launch attacks in the area. "The site is in close proximity to the Green Line and the south Hebron Hills. It’s an area we estimated attacks would be carried out. Unfortunately it did." Karadi said that more than one terrorist participated in the attack.
needed peer support for bravery
Security forces called off the search in the area, and the investigation will focus instead on intelligence gathering in an attempt to find the perpetrators. They couple is survived by their 2-year-old.
Posted by: Frank G 2004-02-28