
Zionist entity planning assassinations prior to Gaza evacuation
Zionist armed forces are expected to intensify reign of terror in the Gaza Strip in the upcoming period to precede the evacuation of that area, according to senior Zionist sources. Zionist press quoted those sources as saying that army units would escalate incursions into specific areas in the Strip and assassinations of senior officials in the Hamas and Islamic Jihad Movements. The sources said that the Zionist cabinet yesterday met to endorse a series of decisions in the security field that would not include major military operations. Zionist daily ‘Haaretz’ for its part said that the Tel Aviv officials were pondering more strikes against Hamas prior to the withdrawal from the Strip, which is expected by end of this year. It quoted a senior army officer as saying that the Zionist entity should do in the Strip what it did not do in south Lebanon before its withdrawal in May 2000 namely dealing a heavy blow to resistance organizations.
Sounds like good sense to me...
Posted by: Fred 2004-02-28