
U.S.-Libya Ties Possible by Year's End
Diplomatic relations between Libya and the United States could be restored by the end of the year, the leader of a U.S. Congressional delegation said Monday as he arrived in the capital for his second visit in a month. Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., was leading a seven-member delegation that planned to meet Tuesday with Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi and the nation's prime minister, Shokri Ghanem. "Our administration laid out a time frame. As long as this timetable is agreed to, we are optimistic that we can see full diplomatic relations before the end of the year," Weldon said. Washington invited American companies to begin planning their return to Libya and encouraged Tripoli to open in Washington an "interests section," a diplomatic office a level beneath an embassy. The United States also will expand its diplomatic presence in Tripoli.
Fred's plan to get the concession at the O-Club at Wheelus is looking better and better.

Flight Line Lounge, here we come!

Posted by: Steve White 2004-03-02