
Some people ain't happy 'til they're unhappy...
Comrade Commissar, at AcePilots, points out that
February has ended, and evil Amerikan forces lost 23 soldiers in Iraq. To date, MiniTruth has employed appropriate full media blackout on this development. (Facts posted at Lunaville.)

We note with satisfaction coverage given to the high casualties in November, such as this from WaPo. That story dated Nov. 29; no need to wait for good news.
23 losses is the lowest casualty figure since we went into Iraq. Lefty JSN has already been there to comment:
Yeah, Iraq is just freaking wonderful!

Only about 100 people were blown up today.

Only 1 soldier though, so I guess that is progress.

If 90% of Iraqis have to die to make sure the rest are free, patriotic Americans like you folks will be there, in thousands of dollars of protective gear, slaughtering them.
I don't think coherence is JSN's strong suit.
Posted by: Fred 2004-03-02