
What They Are Saying...(Shiites)
As many as 100 people have been killed in blasts targeting Iraqi Shias celebrating a holy day in Karbala and Baghdad. Members of the Shia and international communities expressed shock and outrage - and some focused blame.
How is it possible that any man - let alone a Muslim man - does this on the day of al-Hussein? Today war has been launched on Islam.
Thaer al-Shimri
Shia al-Dawa party

This criminal act, on the holy day that marks the martyrdom of Hussein, shows that the terrorists respect no boundaries, that they will kill visitors, pilgrims from Iraq and innocents of all kinds.
Hamid al-Bayati
Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

This means they came from abroad and were not were Iraqis.
Sheik Sayyed Akeel al-Khatib
Shia cleric

This blatant crime against innocent people leaves one amazed and astounded as to how anyone can - in a spiritual atmosphere and at holy sites - commit this terrorist deed, massacring innocent and defenceless people who are mourning because of their love for their sanctities. Without a doubt the people who have committed these crimes know nothing about humanity and, unfortunately, the continued presence of occupying forces has been unable to provide security for the Iraqi people, and they must accept their responsibility in this respect.
Hamid Reza Asefi
Spokesman for Iranian Foreign Ministry

It is natural that the whole finger of accusation will be pointed at the occupiers, because the responsibility for security in Iraq currently lies with the occupiers, who have been occupying Iraq for nearly a year. Hence, we have to say that Iraqis are in the right in the current circumstances when they consider the Americans responsible for these killings and this shedding of blood.
Mr Qannadbashi
Iranian state radio commentator

Those initiating these attacks are cowards and terrorists.
US military statement

I came here [Karbala], I saw the explosions and I saw the victims. The criminals are trying to strike discord in Iraq, but we are going to fight them until the very last drop of our blood.
Mohammed Bahrul al-Ulum
Current president of the Iraqi Governing Council

The main aim is to create problems between the Sunni and Shia people. We have to be very careful.
Mahmud Othman
Kurdish member of the Iraqi Governing Council

This is a message from [Abu Musab] al-Zarqawi to the Iraqi people and we received the message. It is written in blood now. We will not respond in a sectarian way.
Mowaffaq al-Rubaie
Shia member of the Iraqi Governing Council

These cowardly attacks by desperate terrorists will not succeed in stopping the people of Iraq along the road to democracy, notably after the signing of the temporary constitution. The Iraqi people will overcome this test.
Intifadh Kanbar
Spokesman for the Iraqi National Congress (INC)

These are barbarous acts that we condemn in the strongest terms.
Joschka Fischer
German Foreign Minister

Posted by: Lil Dhimmi 2004-03-02