
Tragically Unhip Kerry Wants to Be "Second Black President"
no, really, I can't make this up...LOL. EFL
John Kerry battled John Edwards from New York to California in a 10-state show of strength Tuesday, seeking to shove his last major rival from the race and claim the Democratic presidential nomination. Pre-election polling gave Kerry an edge in almost every Election Day venue as he sought a lion's share of the victories to make Edwards' presidential bid a political, if not quite a mathematical, impossibility. Kerry was already pivoting toward a general-election fight with President Bush.
Kerry did clean up today - now the gloves come off, and Max Cleland can't protect him forever
"Boy, wait until you see the fire in my belly," he told a TV interviewer.
Prilosec ad?
snip to the money quote from a patrician Brahmin
French-looking white bread animatronic robot, who, by the way, served in Viet Nam

"President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second," he told the American Urban Radio Network.
Soon to be appearing on BET and MTV, getting jiggy with his homies
Posted by: Frank G 2004-03-02