
Inside Evin Prison
Reza was imprisoned in Tehran, and he said all sort of people were there. Some of them just unlucky people just walking in streets and captured for no reason.

Reza spent his first 48 hours of arrest at level -4 of ministry of interior building without food or water. According to Reza some of the injured people already passed out, and a taxi driver looked like dead by that time. Reza estimated around 200 people were in each room and there were not enough space to even sit on the ground. There was also an awful problem of only one toilet for all people in there and a impossible time limit of around 1 minute for each person. They randomly beat up people.

He said in the second day some pain cloth people came with papers forcing people to sign them. The papers were prewritten confessions all in different handwritings saying the signer violated national security and Islam. Reza said some people sign them and some other just faked their signatures and names. There were not enough confession papers for all people.

A man came and said the detainees would be released today, but an hour later another came and told them they would be in prison for 10 years.

So many people're put in Iran prison that prisoners only have standing space. They moved Reza and some of the selected people to Evin. Around 3am day 2 they started moving people in vans; Reza said a driver was talking to a Basiji about Evin prison is full.

They ran another confession show at Evin, this time with promise of instant freedom and new accusations.

But after they learned Reza is a student, they moved him to a harsher environment with some other prisoners. Guards prevented them from sleeping by keeping them standing all night long.

Posted by: Frozen Al 2009-07-02