
No Food for N.Korea without Monitoring, Says U.S.

The U.S. will not resume food aid to North Korea unless there is a guarantee that the food will be distributed properly among North Koreans who need it. U.S. State Department spokesman Ian Kelly told reporters Wednesday, "We currently have no plans to provide additional food to North Korea. Any additional food aid would have to have assurances that it would be appropriately used."
The sense of feeding the NKor army so it's strong enough to attack us doesn't make sense to anybody who's not a politician.
"We remain very concerned about the well-being of the North Korean people,
... some of us, anyway...
but we are very concerned because we need to have adequate program management in place, monitoring and access provisions, and we don't have that right now," he added.
Wow. Two in a row right for Bambi. First the sanction on the Hong Kong financiers and now this. It's almost like a trend ...
But the attention span will wane in a couple or three weeks and we'll be back wanting to take care of the women and children and those too old to goosestep.
Kelly said North Korea rejected U.S. food aid in March, expressing regret that Pyongyang threw out all NGO food monitors by the end of March.
"Well! If you refuse our food aid then we'll not give it to you! Let us know when you're hungry."
Meanwhile, the World Food Programme said there has been no single donation for the food aid program for the North since its nuclear test in May, and the program has been downsized to one-third of the original plan.
Good. Let's see how well the Nork army does without food.
Give it time and attention span deficit disorder.
Posted by: Steve White 2009-07-03