
Ahmadinejad and Neda Agha Soltan
Morteza Kazemian
In a letter to the head of Iran's judiciary, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has requested an investigation into the death of Neda Agha Soltan.

In his letter he writes, "In view of the extensive commentary about this painful incident and the wide-ranging propaganda by foreign media and other evidence, the interference of those who oppose the Iranian nation or are inimical to it for the purpose of using this event for political purposes and to destroy the image of the Islamic republic is definitively clear."

While the difficult and cold conditions that are prevalent in Iran today may appear that pondering on this letter may not be appropriate, there are quite a few issues in it that deserve comment.

" More fundamentally, what is Ahmadinejad's clear position on the violent street crackdown and actions against those protesting the results of the election in the days after June 12th, and the wide arrests, mistreatment of those detained, etc? "
1-As the highest executive official of the country, is Ahmadinejad aware of other killings that took place after the tenth presidential election?

2-Do the deaths of a number of Iranian citizens deserve the creation of a special investigative committee?

3-Does Ahmadinejad know the perpetrators of the other deaths, or those who may have ordered them?

4-From Ahmadinejad's perspective, did the people who lost their lives following the June 12 election deserve to die or where these homicides?

5-Is Ahmadinejad's letter to Hashemi Shahrudi to clarify the facts over the murder of Neda Agha Soltan or to confirm the view and his determination about the "involvement of the opposition" in this regard for political purposes?

6-Had not been "extensive commentary" and "wide-ranging propaganda" over Neda Agha Soltan's heartbreaking murder, as Ahmadinejad believes there was, would he still have called for an investigation on this?

7-Why is it that Ahmadinejad calls for investigating the violation of basic rights of Iranians only when the issue is covered widely in the media or takes a global perspective?

8-More fundamentally, what is Ahmadinejad's clear position on the violent street crackdown and actions against those protesting the results of the election in the days after June 12th, and the wide arrests, mistreatment of those detained, etc?
There are many questions that exist for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are not few, and without being presumptuous, one can be patient and wait to receive a response. But sooner or later, real and truthful answers will emerge, even if they don't come from Ahmadinejad, and they will be recorded in history and in books, where they will remain intact.
Posted by: Fred 2009-07-05