
Poppy Cultivation Down in Uruzgan
[Quqnoos] Poppy cultivation has shrunk down by 60 percent in one of the major Afghan drug producing province, officials said
That's rather a lot. Well done, all!
The poppy growing in the Afghan southern Uruzgan province has 'remarkably' fallen down this year despite no major efforts have taken place by the central government, said provincial governor Asadullah Hamdam. "This has been the decision of people [farmers] to avoid growing poppy and hashish this year," governor Hamdam further said.

There is no exact statistics that how many hectares of lands are grown poppy this year but government officials in the restive Afghan province are optimistic to eradicate all poppy farms in Uruzgan.

The claim of a major downsize in the level of drug production in Uruzgan comes as poppy cultivation jumped to a record level in the province in 2008, according to a UN report.
What changed since last year, pray tell?

Posted by: Fred 2009-07-05