
Moroccan ambassador fired for ladies' fight
[Al Arabiya Latest] Morocco's ambassador to Italy Nabil Benabdallah was sacked from his post after his wife got into a "fight" with the wife of the Kingdom's foreign minister during a fine arts festival in the Italian city of Venice, according to Moroccan press reports on Thursday.
Yeah, what's a fine arts festival without a good catfight...
Al-Jarida al-Oula newspaper reported that King Mohammed VI of Morocco discharged ambassador Benabdallah because of an "argument" and a "fight" that broke out between his wife Kawtar Sounni and Fatiha el-Tahiri, the wife of the more powerful Foreign Minister Taib Fassi Fihri during a fine arts festival recently held in Venice.
"I curse your moustache, bitch!"
"I'll cut ya, bitch! I'll cut ya!!"
The dispute between the wives of the two senior officials broke out when el-Tahiri "tried to prevent" Sounni from sitting in a front seat reserved for first class ladies, according the report, which quoted witnesses as saying the dispute developed into a bitter fight.
Excuse me there, baby, but you ain't no "first class lady".
Who the hell are you, Barry friggin White!

By the end of the dispute, the wife of the foreign minister warned Sounni that her husband would soon be sacked as ambassador, which is what reportedly happened.
"I'll get you, my sweetie! And your little husband too!"
A few days later when it became clear that Ambassador Benabdallah would be discharged, his wife tried contacting the royal palace's office in order to save her husband from an imminent lay-off, but to no avail .
Can I get a rematch? Winner take all.
On Tuesday Ambassador Benabdallah was summoned to the Kingdom and he was seen at the foreign ministry building in Rabat, Al-Jarida al-Oula reported, adding that Hassan Abou Ayoub, Morocco's ambassador to France, was expected to replace him.
Hey! I didn't do nuthin!
Next time, bring the junior wife... assuming she knows her place better than the senior one.
The foreign ministry has not issued any official statement about the issue and its press office declined to confirm or deny the news, widely circulated in the Moroccan press. Al-Massa newspaper described the incident as a "disgrace" that tarnished the image of Moroccans, especially women, in international events.
Posted by: Fred 2009-07-09