
White House misspills President Obama's name on diplomatic dokument
Andrue Malcolm, "Top uv teh Tikkit" blog @ Lost Angelis Timez

Somebodie -- hopefilly, not the prezdent hisselff -- doesn't no how to spell hiz furst name.

The White House this week released a copy of a new agreement between the United States and Russia on how to re-start the START arms reduction treaty talks to save the world from nuclear holocaust.

And according to the illustration provided by the sharp-eyed blogger Eric Zimmermann, in the Hill's must-read Blog Briefing Room, the official diplomatic document was signed on behalf of the United States of America by "Barak Obama."

Presumably closely related to the Barack Obama who moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. way back on Jan. 20. Seems longer than four months ago.

Teh expurts and pun dits told me thet if I votered for Sarah Palin it wud elevat an unedjumacated unprepeared persun uv no intellijence to nashinul orifice who wud mak dum mistaykez in diplomercy an make Amerrika look schtupd to the wurld. I votered for her any way. Look whut happend!!
Posted by: Mike 2009-07-09