
RB Futures Watch? Muslim group opposes Arafat’s burial on Mount
JPost - Reg Req’d. Don’t want to get my hopes up, but.....
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat’s wish to be buried on the Temple Mount is stirring an emotional debate among Palestinians. Leaflets distributed in Jerusalem on Wednesday by the Muslim Liberation Party called for thwarting Arafat’s plan
I think it would be a bad mistake - better to scatter him at sea, and don’t wait for him to be dead, either
Sources close to Arafat confirmed that the PA chairman has asked his supporters in Jerusalem to check the possibility of burying him near the Aksa Mosque.
Not feeling well, Yasshole?
Jerusalem police recently detained three Arab residents of Jerusalem on suspicion they were putting pressure on the Muslim Wakf (religious trust) to agree to allocate a plot on the Temple Mount for the burial of Arafat. The three were served with orders banning them from entering the Temple Mount for three months. Palestinians said some of Jerusalem’s prominent Arab families are opposed to Arafat being buried on the Temple Mount. The last Palestinian to be buried on the Temple Mount was Faisal Husseini, the former PLO representative in Jerusalem, who died of a heart attack in 2001.
Burn your trash, don’t bury it, in the 3rd or 43rd or whatever number holiest place in Islam...
Husseini was buried at the site despite fierce opposition from some Palestinians, who said the privilege should be reserved only to devout Muslim figures. The Liberation Party, a tiny Muslim faction with a strong presence on the Temple Mount, spearheaded the opposition, but Husseini’s aides managed to enforce their will.
Yasser’s got a tougher row to hoe, with his declining influence and corruption scandals. Once he dies, it’ll be a free-for-all, and nobody will have the time to quit killing in order to push for this decrepit POS to be buried anywhere. We aren’t talking Ghandi....
A leaflet distributed in Jerusalem by the party said its members are also strongly opposed to plans to bury Arafat on the Temple Mount. Referring to Arafat, the leaflet said: "We warn this wicked infidel, who married a Christian infidel, against contemplating desecrating the holy Aksa Mosque."
Oooooh, Suha’s getting drug into this, LOL!
Earlier this year, members of the Liberation Party prevented Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher from praying at al-Aksa. They threw shoes at him and shouted slogans accusing him and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak of betraying the Arabs and Muslims.
Posted by: Frank G 2004-03-04