
Zarqawi's mom checks out in Jordan
The mother of Abu Mussab al Zarqawi, suspected of links to Al Qaeda and of masterminding the massive suicide bombings in Iraq this week, has died at her home in Jordan, a daughter said on Thursday. “My mother passed away on Sunday and has been buried. God has called her back to Him,” Zarqawi’s sister said.
He wants to have a little talk with her about Sonny...
The woman, who would not give her name, defended her brother against US accusations that he orchestrated a series of bombings in Iraq’s holy city of Karbala and the capital Baghdad Tuesday that killed at least 170 people. “He is innocent,” she said. “It is impossible for him to be linked with attacks that have any religious connotation.”
"Couldn't o' been him! Musta been somebody else..."
After the coordinated attacks, US Central Command chief General John Abizaid said Washington has “clear intelligence” tying Zarqawi to the bombings and to the former Iraqi intelligence services. Washington, which also holds Zarqawi to be a top chemical and biological weapons expert for Al Qaeda and leader of an Iraqi affiliate of the terror group, recently doubled to $10 million a bounty posted on him in October.
Posted by: Fred 2004-03-04