
Xinjiang riots pre-planned at 50 places: Chinese state media
Ethnic rioting in China's far western region of Xinjiang was well planned and coordinated to take place at more than 50 locations across the regional capital Urumqi, the official People's Daily reported on Sunday.

The account of the violence, in which 197 people were killed and more than 1,600 wounded, followed the official line that Xinjiang's worst ethnic unrest in decades was pre-meditated. Xinjiang's governor, Nuer Baikeli, told a small group of media, including Reuters, late on Saturday that the rioting was an attempt by exiled separatists to split Xinjiang from China. But exiled ethnic Uighurs have denied the allegation, saying the unrest was sparked by deaths last month of two Uighur factory workers in southern China.

Knife sales: Citing witnesses and footage from surveillance cameras, the People's Daily said that ringleaders had orchestrated the riots in more than 50 locations across Urumqi, including government offices and police stations, with rioters reportedly driven to some spots in groups.

In the days preceding the riots, the newspaper said there were "noticeably hot" sales of long knives, some of which were used in the attacks. Meanwhile the successful burning of vehicles suggested a "high possibility" such methods had been studied beforehand, it added, citing experts. The presence of purported ringleaders dressed in similar clothing, including women in long black Islamic garb and black head scarves who issued "commands" to the rioters, was also noted by the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party.

"These kind of women were seen many times at different locations on surveillance cameras," the report said. In the group interview with Reuters, Nuer Baikeli said Chinese police shot dead 12 armed Uighur rioters after they ignored warning shots fired into the air, a rare government admission of deaths inflicted by security forces. Nuer Baikeli insisted police exercised the "greatest restraint" but the use of force was necessary to protect citizens and restore order. Stability has been restored, he added.
Posted by: Fred 2009-07-20