
N. Korea's Hard-Labor Camps: On the Diplomatic Back Burner
Great, great piece (and very long) at WaPo (seriously). Interactive graphics and maps as well. This story does a good job at exposing both the terrible conditions at the Nork labor camps, and the State Department's traditional unwillingness to confront it. Josh Stanton at One Free Korea had a small hand in this.
If State admits to knowing, really knowing about the concentration camps, then the U.S. would have to do something about it, which probably means going to war. Since we aren't prepared to go to war with North Korea...
That's one explanation that's been put forward -- we have to ignore it so as not to be in an awkward position. The other explanation is that with the Norks making all their bellicose threats and exploding their nukes, we don't have the time or attention span to talk about human rights.
Things would be different were we to allow South Korea to slip the leash... and were they ready to accept responsibility for the reunification after. But reunification is expensive. I do not deal well with this particular brand of deadly nonsense, which is why Hillary Clinton has the job and not I.

Posted by: Steve White 2009-07-22