
Wind Farm off Kennedy's Kape Kod?
The Cape Cod resort area, famous for sandy beaches and centuries-old fishing villages, could in the next few years claim a new title of home to the United States' first offshore wind farm.

The Cape Wind project in 2001 became the country's first major proposed offshore wind farm. Its developers aim to construct 130 towers, which will tower 440 feet above the surface of the Nantucket Sound. To supporters, Cape Wind represents Massachusetts' chance to be a leader in not just taxes but also a leader in clean energy. It would generate 420 megawatts of power, enough for 336,000 typical American homes.

Opponents, including Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy, who has a home on the Cape, say the towers, 5 miles from shore, would be a risk to navigation and hurt tourism.
John Kerry might be able to see them whilst windsurfing. It is one of the best spots for a wind farm...
Cape Wind's developers need one last major regulatory approval, from the U.S. Department of the Interior. Should they get it, they expect to have the project up and running in two years, which will require finding more than $1 billion.
Posted by: Bobby 2009-07-29