
Ayatollah sez al-Qaeda operating with tacit US support in Iraq
Substitute leader of Friday Prayers of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani here Friday called on all Iraqi people to further endeavor to keep their unity. He was addressing a large congregation at the site of the Friday Prayers in Tehran University where the Ayatollah expressed his condolences over martyrdom of tens of Muslims in Ashura explosions in Karbala and Kazemein in Iraq, and also Quetta in Pakistan. He referred to the statement issued by Ayatollah Sistani in which he urged Iraqi nation to keep their unity and also the remarks of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei who stressed unity among Iraqi people under the leadership of religious Ulema, and said the explosions were perpetrated by those who tried to sow discord and division among Muslims.

He further stressed that the world hegemony, the Zionist Israel and the US were now oppressing the human community and described the Islamic Revolution in Iran as a government and a revolution which is religious and democratic. The prayers leader said that there are now people in a certain place in the world, namely Iran, who talk only according to principles of Islam and this makes the world hegemony to take every measure to prevent its repetition in any other place on the globe. Condemning explosions in the three Muslim cities, he said while the US is claiming to be fighting Al Qaeda, the truth is that the US itself has developed, nurtured and cultivated this terrorist organization and now that the remains of the former Iraqi regime are joining it, the occupiers are just standing by watching their crimes. Believing that fear of Islam is the motivation behind all these crimes, Ayatollah Emami Kashani said the occupiers claim to be safeguarding security in Iraq whereas they fail to do so and even support those who create insecurity.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-03-06