
Attacks claimed by Al-Qaeda group
[Straits Times] AN INTERNET blog purportedly speaking on behalf of a group calling itself 'Al-Qaeda Organisation Indonesia' has claimed responsibility for the July 17 Jakarta hotel bombings.

The entry was posted on the Google site blogspot.com on Sunday but was only discovered Wednesday and reported in the Indonesian media.

The message in Indonesian and Arabic was signed by 'Abu Muawwidz Nur Din bin Muhammad Top' and praises two 'holy warrior brothers' who blew themselves up at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in central Jakarta.

The statement said the attacks were a 'martyrdom operation for jihad' intended as 'retribution for the deeds of America and its agents against our Muslim brothers and holy warriors in all corners of the world'. It described the victims of the attack as 'henchmen of America' and 'thieves and robbers of things of value to the Muslims of this country'.

Two suicide bombers killed seven people including six foreigners in the coordinated blasts at the adjacent luxury hotels. Police have said the attacks bear the hallmarks of Malaysian Islamist Noordin Mohammed Top, who heads a violent splinter faction of the radical regional network Jemaah Islamiyah (JI).

Noordin is suspected of masterminding suicide bombings in Indonesia in 2003, 2004 and 2005 which killed a total of 42 people and injured scores more.

Indonesian police spokesman Sulistyo Ishak said investigators were still examining if the claim of responsibility was genuine or a hoax.

'We will confirm with the investigation team. It's for them to investigate if it's true that this (attack) was carried out by this group,' he told AFP.

Terrorism analyst Sidney Jones, of the International Crisis Group, said she could not say whether the claim was authentic but noted that blogs were 'often used by some of the jihadi groups'.

'I just don't know. It's interesting this time round, if it is him, he's only claiming to be Al-Qaeda for Indonesia and not the Malay Archipelago,' she said.

Posted by: Fred 2009-07-30