
Lifelong activist feared dead (Must.....resist.......gloating.....)
Tooker Gomberg -- an environmental activist, failed Toronto mayoral candidate and hardly noticable high-profile thorn in the side of Alberta Premier Ralph Klein -- was missing and presumed dead yesterday. Police said it appears Gomberg jumped off the middle of the Angus L. Macdonald Bridge just after midnight in the early hours of Thursday morning.
(cue DU conspiracy theories in: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, lift off)
Was Tooker's alias "Billy Joe McAllister"?
"All indications are he jumped off the bridge but we’ve not found a body so we have to treat it as a missing person at this time."
"It's a very high bridge. He may still be falling."
She said Gomberg had moved to Halifax from the Toronto area in September when Bischoff was hired by a local group to improve the bicycle transportation system.
(Bicycles, why do they hate us?)
Gomberg volunteered at the Ecology Action Centre but became more and more despondent. "He said he lost his chutzpah," O’Brien said.
Happens to all of us, eventually. V1@gra woulda helped...
Gomberg, an avid cyclist, founded one of Canada’s first curbside recycling programs in Montreal and headed Edmonton’s EcoCity Society. He was also elected to and served on Edmonton city council and cut a colourful
(Read: Media-whore)
figure as executive director of the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters.
"Who's the guy in the clown suit?"
"That's the executive director!"
Gomberg became famous for his loudmouthed vociferous and idiotic unconventional sense of political theatre. Last spring, he was arrested at a rally protesting the war in Iraq when he was anoying people with used a megaphone without a permit. In 2002, he was dragged out by police from Toronto’s tony Empire Club after shouting: No other politicall opinions then the ones that we hold are valid!!!! down Klein during the premier’s speech on why Alberta doesn’t like the Kyoto accord. In that year’s Ontario municipal election, he ran for mayor of Toronto -- and ended up as Mel Lastman’s closest challenger,
(I googled this and the guy came to 9% of the votes, close challenger my as*)
although the incumbent won 80 per cent of the vote.
Anobody heard the splash yet?... Oh. It's a railroad bridge, is it?

Posted by: Evert Visser 2004-03-06