
Saddam’s Crimes Orchestrated by US Administration, Which Can be Removed by Simple Isolation
From Jihad Unspun
Saddam’s crimes against his own people, war against Iran and the invasion of Kuwait were all orchestrated by the U.S. Administration. In each case, the U.S. objective was the same to provide cover to change the map of the Middle East. From the point view of the U.S. neoconservative surveyors, their war against the Middle East will only end when all objectives are fulfilled to the full satisfaction of the apartheid state, Israel.

This conspiracy has spanned for nearly twenty years and was crystal clear to a lot of Arab and Muslim thinkers and ordinary citizens. The sad fact here is that this conspiracy was never taken seriously by Arab leaders. U.S. officials and emissaries sent to the Region have proven sophistication in conniving; they promised friendship and delivered atomic weapons to Israel. They illuminated pure lies and converted them into believable tales. Arab leaders believed the illuminated lies and decided to allow time to prove otherwise.

Ill-deeds, the U.S. administration delivered to the Region stand naked under the sun, right in the heart of Iraq, in Afghanistan and in occupied Palestine. George W. Bush, Toni Blair and Ariel Sharon lecture on peace and terrorism. In the meantime, they kill women and children, destroy culture and history. Just look at the devastation of Iraq, Afghanistan and the deplorable plight of Palestine and Palestinians.

Justice is crucified. Morality is dead. Decency is paraded under banners of drugs, filthy sex and theft. Court houses, judges and attorney generals do not consult law books for just verdicts. They take direct orders from U.S. neo-gangsters and killers. A hope for a world order is the simplest farce that does not deserve a laugh.

The entire world population needs to rise against U.S. sick mind and ambition before we all become a total reject. Remember, the earth is a genuine mother, physically and spiritually attached to every decent human. At any one point in the human history when filth prevailed, the earth and its Creator rocked the universe and destroyed all destructive means and weapons, including killers and murderers.

U.S. and U.K. leaders and their generals must be brought to justice and tried for thefts, crimes against humanity and be isolated from the world community all together. The question is! Is there a leader in the world today willing to initiate such a legal action? Brave men died before the birth of Zionism. I am not aware of a mother’s womb that is capable of conceiving, carrying and delivering the next baby who can save the world from total destruction. We know for certain, evil mothers are continuously conceiving and delivering the likes of George W. Bush, Toni Blair and Ariel Sharon.

Today the world community must share considerable part of the blame for the destitute of the Iraqi people, the destruction of their country and the mass murder of many Iraqis. Complicity to crimes committed by the U.S. and U.K. troops is a crime by itself enforced by Regional countries that provided military and other logistic assistance.

The international community, namely China, Germany, Russia and France stood by and did nothing to prevent this historic crime against humanity. They did, however, voice strong disagreement to the war against Iraq; this was not enough to stop blood flow on Iraqi’s streets, in homes, hospitals, schools, daycare centers and other public places.

Occupiers speak of mass graves, suicide bombing, and foreign terrorist cells being built rapidly. They fail to recognize U.S. and U. K. bombs dropped on Iraqi civilians and military personnel. They fail to recognize the one million Iraqi children who died from starvation and depleted uranium. Now you tell me who are bigger terrorists and murders?

Forced entry into Iraq is considered by George W. Bush and Toni Blair an act to free the Iraqis from a brutal regime. Both leaders underestimate the damage they have caused to the integrity and honor of their people who continue to demonstrate and object in the strongest methods available to them against this illegal war. Visible powers such as China, Russia, Germany and France cannot continue to hide behind the shadow of the U.S. monster and do nothing. They consider themselves developed, advanced and civilized nations. They need to validate these statuses and prove to the rest of the world that the human family is still alive and well.

One small handful of Right-wing Evangelical Christians and Zionist junta cannot be allowed to decide the future of human existence regardless of the size of air power, weapons of mass destruction and the mega bombs under their disposal. This is not to suggest these countries declare war against United States and Britain. Simple isolation will provide sufficient reasons for U.S. and U.K. citizens to de-seat their leaders and elect new ones.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-03-06